Staying Down Is A Choice
This quote really stood out to me recently: "Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice!" Believing in yourself is the first...
5 Steps For Quit-Proofing Your Life
Hey Girlie, Let’s face it Throwing in the Towel on our health and fitness goals is so much easier than sticking to what we said we do in...
The Struggle Is Worth It
Welcome to 2019, ready or not! I just want you to know that everything that is worth anything in your life like your family, your...
5 Ways To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season...Despite the Chaos!
1. Commit to (at least) 64oz of pure water a day. The simple truth is your body needs water.. and lots of it! With pumpkin spiced lattes...
Lost Motivation? 5 Tips to Help You Get Back On Track
Have you slacked off on your exercise routine? Maintaining your motivation is a very important task when we are developing a healthy...
You Are Strong and Capable!
There are so many daily occurrences that can make us women doubt ourselves. Between mothering, careering, house keeping, relationship...
Embracing Your Season
Fall leaves turning colors always happen year after year but did you ever stop and think about the simplicity (and possible deeper...
Have You Bought Into the Whole Self-Love Journey Idea...Yet?
Here, let me help you understand why and how.... Self-love gets a lot of hype these days, but what is it exactly? Self-love is the...
Stop Cutting Yourself Short!
This goes for me as much as it goes for you girlfriend. I can’t even tell you the amount of times that I haven't paused after achieving a...
Post Workout Food Combos
After your workout, your body is still burning calories, so it is important to refuel to increase the afterburn and give nutrients to...